
Gain an in-depth understanding of the state of the industry

The Transportation Holy Grail:

MaaS and Mobility Management

Curb and Mobility Management:

The Role of Pricing, Incentives, and Data for Improving Curbside Utilization in Cities

Mobility Data Standards:

What They Are & How to Implement Them

Chaos at the Curb:

Modernizing Access for Shared Mobility and Delivery

Measuring Equitable Access to New Mobility:

A Case Study of Shared Bikes and Electric Scooters

The Micro-Mobility Revolution:

The Introduction and Adoption of Electric Scooters in the United States

The Populus Platform

 The Populus platform helps cities and private mobility providers deliver safe, efficient, and equitable streets. Populus is a comprehensive digital solution that empowers cities to manage their streets, and develop data-driven policies with access to data from mobility operators (shared bikes, scooters, and cars).