Actively Manage Curbs with Digital Smart Zones
With Digital Smart Zones, a city can share dynamic curb policies with commercial and on-demand delivery vehicles about when and where they can access curb space. This provides fleet operators with the intelligence they need to perform loading and unloading activities without receiving tickets. Cities can also launch new hardware-free permit programs to seamlessly collect revenue for all of their parking activity.
Launch commercial parking permits
Collect GPS-enabled parking activity
Automatically invoice and reconcile payments
Trusted by cities to engage the major commercial fleet operators
Collect commercial parking data
To help address safety and congestion, Populus collects and analyzes real parking event data from onboard GPS information from fleet vehicles for a more accurate picture of curb utilization. This comprehensive data on curb utilization and occupancy helps cities more quickly adjust curb policies to reduce congestion and transportation emissions.
Reconcile payments and invoice delivery companies
Delivery operators can sign up for the first-of-its-kind hardware-free program to avoid the hassle of putting coins into a meter or using mobile apps while driving. Populus leverages GPS location data to unlock a seamless parking payment experience – tracking parking events for fleet vehicles and calculating the exact cost for the parking activity. Invoices are then distributed to program participants by Populus for automated revenue capture.

Ready to get started?
Cities of all sizes trust Populus for their curb and mobility management needs. Reach out to learn more about how Populus can support you.